View more property information, sales history and price information for homes for sale on Sparks Nv 89434 . Zillow is selling 21 homes at 89434.
Sparks, NV 89431 Home for sale on
∙ 2629 Sunnyslope Driveway, Sparks, nv 89434 ∙ $267,500 ∙ mls # 220006633 View details sold mls View photos for sale and other details. Find 89434 homes for sale and 89434 other properties. $379,000 2 bed 1 bath 981 sqm shoes $386/sqm shoes
2848 Vechio Doctor, Sparks, NV 89434.
Check out this neat 4 bedroom apartment. Browse photo listing, sales history and use our property filter to find the right place. Walking distance to shops, schools and easy access to the motorway.
5 beds, 4 bathrooms ∙ 2896 m2.
$859,900 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 3,291 sq ft shoes $261/sqm shoes This home has been located at 1027th Greenburn Sparks, nv 89434 us and as of May 19, 2022 and is currently valued at $450,000, or approximately $318 per square foot . Zillow is selling 21 homes at 89434.
313 homes for sale in Sparks, Nevada
View photos, check out new properties, find open door information and search places in the trillion. 89434, Flash, nv Real estate and house sales. View more property information, sales history and price information.
View photos of for sale listings, upcoming sales and all your properties at Sparks, NV 89434 530 13th St, Sparks, NV 89431. This browser is no longer supported.
$427,000 3 bed 3 bath 1,584 sq ft $270/sqm
2882 Monte Verde Road, Spark, nv 89434 The house has 6 bedrooms, 3.0 bathrooms. Real Estate Clark et al.